A friend just sent me an article about the Forecast app,
which claims to help predict the future. It seemed silly, but I thought I’d
check it out.
Read the article: Have Facebook? You can now check into the future with Forecast.
Basically you can tell friends where you’re going to be and at what time, so they can plan to join you if they want to. The beta version launched last summer, but I don’t know of anyone who’s using it. And I’m not sure why they would.
“The groundswell is about to get embedded within every activity, not just on computer but on mobile devices and in the real world.” (Li and Bernoff, 235)
A new way to make plans? |
Just like Foursquare, Forecast could be a great way for advertisers and companies to learn more about you and target you with relevant products or services. But is it really socially more helpful? If I wanted a friend to meet me somewhere, I’d invite them. If a friend wanted to know where I was, I’d tell them. To me this app seems like one more way to avoid actual human interaction.
Don’t get me wrong, I downloaded the Facebook app immediately after purchasing my smart phone, and I use it almost every day. I also stay connected with my Gmail app. But I wonder if I any of the other apps I use are actually making me more social.
Do you prefer solo games like Tetris, or social games like Words with Friends? |
If I’m bored I’ll use my Tetris app, but I try to limit
myself to one game. It’s so addicting, I
swear I’ve seen the shapes in my head even when I’m not playing! It’s great to have in an empty waiting room,
but I’ve caught myself playing it when I’m out to eat with my family, which is
not only anti-social but just plain rude!
I haven’t tried Words With Friends yet, but I know that way I could play with other people. I think I do need to expand to more social apps, but I don't think I'll be downloading Forecast anytime soon. Would you use Forecast? What are you favorite social apps? Any suggestions for me?
Is there really an app for everything? (YouTube)